Editor: MouseTrap is the Mediator Between your e-mail program and your mailbox. No more can unsoliciated e-mail be blindly accepted by your e-mail program. Watch the amount of junk e-mail be drastically reduced in no time.
MouseTrap downloads your e-mail and checks each message to be from an authorized sender or not. Messages that are from authorized sources are made available for your e-mail program to load. Senders that are not yet authorized are sent a message automatically from MouseTrap simply asking them to reply to the message. Upon receiving the message, the sender is now authorized to send to you.
MouseTrap Features
Filter-based anti-junk programs require that you maintain a list of filter information and get periodic updates. Since MouseTrap asks senders of mail to reply to one authorization message, you have nothing to maintain. MouseTrap does this for you!
Works in the background
MouseTrap works silently in the background, checking your mail periodically, sending authorization messages and maintaining your authorized sender list. MouseTrap is designed to yield to other programs being used on your computer, so very Little resources are used to keep MouseTrap running.
Authorizes Outgoing Mail Recipients Automatically
MouseTrap acts as as pass-through for your outgoing e-mail so that MouseTrap can automatically mark the recipients of your mail messages as authorized. If you're sending to someone, you probably want them authorized.